
Showing posts from January, 2014

A Reverie!

I lay asleep, And things went on... By the time I woke, The time was gone! I thought God will do everyone's good, And be fair to his child... But I went rushing in tears to him, When the final day arrived. “I did none's harm and stole not a thing, That I was gentle by nature and did no sin, So, why still you ranked me last? And why you overlooked my glorious past?” Strange! God didn't smile looking at me... Thought I was the most lovable child held he, And then he spoke with an eye on me “You did nothing to be you ever wanted to be”!!! Perplexed, I stared... His throat, he cleared... “You lived on a past that died years back , And buried your dreams alive stack by stack... For you were a coward who never dared a thing, Child, harming and stealing are not alone sins.” “My love for you never faded, Until  your dreams for your fears ’re traded... Every night, some magic, I hid inside the box(mind), ...