
You are the bravest kid to your mom !!

When the world seems tough.. And all go wrong .. All I remember is a lovely song.. 'you are the bravest kid to your mom ' !! *here's the song* Rest o' little , you little chweet charm.. Keep your hand here .. Into my palm. Then close your tiny eyes that blink , and sigh no more, nor do think ! Worries out fly, and grudges all vanish.. Doubts erase.. And only dreams you chase, baby, don't blabber, in Hebrew or Spanish.. Mumma's here with you in every phase ! Go, ahead..for your dreams no matter you alone .. Go ahead, and make a world of your own.. Get to your stars , and moons and the sun.. Make your own happiness in every run .. Cry never baby, cry never ever ! Tears and fears are deceivers ever .. Sing and live the tunes and the hues.. And 'Dance', to come out of the blues ! Little you, lively , when you'll be grown.. Unlike mumma, you live , with the shackles thrown.. And here , I lay you on the bed of dreams.. Wea...

A Reverie!

I lay asleep, And things went on... By the time I woke, The time was gone! I thought God will do everyone's good, And be fair to his child... But I went rushing in tears to him, When the final day arrived. “I did none's harm and stole not a thing, That I was gentle by nature and did no sin, So, why still you ranked me last? And why you overlooked my glorious past?” Strange! God didn't smile looking at me... Thought I was the most lovable child held he, And then he spoke with an eye on me “You did nothing to be you ever wanted to be”!!! Perplexed, I stared... His throat, he cleared... “You lived on a past that died years back , And buried your dreams alive stack by stack... For you were a coward who never dared a thing, Child, harming and stealing are not alone sins.” “My love for you never faded, Until  your dreams for your fears ’re traded... Every night, some magic, I hid inside the box(mind), ...

I have found. . .

On the paths of truth,  when it’s hard to walk,   sometimes , somewhere,    a person lies ! In the silence of the nights,  When it’s hard to sleep,   Sometimes , secretly,    A person cries !! On the roads of travel,  I today , unravel-   Sometimes , insides...    A person dies !!!


In the times full of darkness, I hope to shine like a star. Pushed, stepped on; no matter what, I’d Know I have to probe afar! For stars don’t shatter in the thunderstorms, They just pick their lightning swords to fight, against the roaring and darkened clouds, that they keep shattering with their might ! For stars, I know, are the jewels of the night, and warriors of the uni-verse, and they sometimes fall off too, to grant a wish and remit a curse!!
Sometimes , I wonder there is a torpedo of  stories going around me. It passes by me and tries to catch me too in this whirl , to make me a part of one of its stories , but then it misses somehow . It  every then , offers me its hand but I don’t hold it . .ever ! It dances around me , trying to entice me and call me in , but I dread its whirl and so I believe I would never give in. I think I’d be lost that way . Yes , I wish to see the insides of that torpedo, of those stories ,  but I’m scared ! I scare the part that I will be thereafter a part of another torpedo , a world of entangled stories. The stories fascinate , but there too comes a point when they muddle me up. Still , I hope that someday they will unfold themselves to me as they are- easy peasy. Or may be I’ll learn to understand them just like that ! The day I will... I will tell you how !

A Prayer !

God ,  Never let me lose my ownness, I want it all through my life ! Your blessings awaited , In the clothes of surprise . Fear may come ... But, I shall never stop ! Days may go tiresome , But, nights shall bring hope ! For time will flow... And time will go... Help me build a fortune, To make this time by itself glow!!

GOD is in the GO_OD !

Sow flowers for everyone you meet , Be the gentle and be kind . No matter whatever the people say, God observes all from behind ! In the scorching days of life … Goodness is a tree that’s shady . The eternal good of a man remains, Even when the soul has left his body ! Be good to the one who has learnt no good , Who has harmed one –many . God ambushes you himself, From the sinister and uncanny ! The magic in the good is that , You know not when it returns . The good you do to others Is the gift for you in turn ! Mean no bad , and be not sad , For reasons of happiness are many . Let the god know you hold his grace, Higher than the penny !